UniGe ¦ MaLGa


The Deep Learning and Computer Vision School is part of the activities of the project P8|BOOSTING PhD STUDENTS’ CAREER within the RAISE ecosystem, funded by the European Union, with the contribution of the DIBRIS Department of the University of Genoa.

At a glance

The third edition of the DLCV (Deep Learning and Computer Vision) School, merging two crash courses, provides a hands-on introduction to basic principles of deep learning, computer vision, and their strong interconnection. The Deep Learning and Computer Vision School is offered within the PhD Program of Computer Science and Systems Engineering and it is open to PhD students, young researchers and faculty from UNIGE and other institutions as well as professionals, upon selection.
The school will take place exclusively in person, it will not be streamed online.

Deep Learning is a branch of Machine Learning that has recently achieved impressive results in several different domains. Computer Vision is unquestionably one of the fields where Deep Learning shows the most astonishing performance in the real world. This school, composed of two crash courses in synergy, will cover basic principles of deep architectures, with a focus on visual data. At the same time, it will provide a complementary introduction to basic principles of computer vision and visual perception in artificial agents.

A guided tour on recent deep learning approaches for computer vision tasks will also be provided. Besides the analysis of well-established approaches, the course will highlight current trends, open problems, and potential future lines of research.

The theoretical classes will be coupled with hands-on activities in Python using Keras and OpenCV libraries. Starting from the basics of neural networks and computer vision, we will dive into more complex approaches, currently at the state-of-the-art. The last day of the school will be focused on a project developed in groups, which will be the basis of the final evaluation. Still, all participants are welcome to attend as this activity is a part of the educational objectives of the school.

During this intense week, a poster session and aperitif will be organized, an occasion for an informal discussion about your current and future research! Although DLCV is conceived as a school, the two courses can also be taken independently.

Fundamentals of Machine Learning


The school will be held in our beautiful Genova, in the DIBRIS/DIMA building in Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146, home of MaLGa Center.

The course will be held in the DIBRIS Department building of Via Dodecaneso 35, Genova. Indications to the classroom will be visible at the entrance. You will have access to vending machines during the breaks betweein classes. You can bring your own laptop, but please keep into consideration that, due to the number of expected participants, your battery should be fully charged.

We will have a 1.5-hour lunch break every day: although there is a bar close to the department, you are encouraged to bring your own lunch and enjoy the break with your peers. There are common areas just out of the classroom where you will be able to sit and have lunch.

Speakers & instructors

Classes will be held by Professors from the DIBRIS Department and members of the MaLGa Center faculty body, with the support of MaLGa researchers.


DLCV is conceived as a school, and the programme of the courses is perfectly integrated during the week. Nevertheless, participants can choose to register to one crash course only, either Deep Learning (DL) or Computer Vision (CV). In the programme below, each class is marked with the corresponding course.

Monday, June 10, 2024


09:00-09:30 - Welcome

[both courses]


09:30-11:00 - Deep Learning Introduction

Nicoletta Noceti [both courses]


11:30-13:00 - Image Processing Introduction

Francesca Odone [both courses]


14:30-16:00 - Lab

[both courses]


16:30-17:15 - Introduction to the Group Project

Vito Paolo Pastore [both courses]

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


09:30-11:00 - Image features

Francesca Odone [CV]


11:30-13:00 - Lab



14:30-16:00 - Motion + Depth

Francesca Odone [CV]


16:30-18:00 - Lab


Wednesday, June 12, 2024


09:30-11:00 - CNN

Nicoletta Noceti [both courses]


11:30-13:00 - Lab

[both courses]


14:30-15:30 - CNN applications

Matteo Moro [both courses]


15:30-16:30 - From known knowns to unknown unknowns in AI: Historical and Technical Issues

Fabio Roli [both courses]

Poster session

16:30-18:00 - Poster session and aperitivo

[both courses]

Thursday, June 13, 2024


09:30-11:00 - GANs

Nicoletta Noceti [DL]


11:30-13:00 - Lab



14:30-16:00 - Transformers

Nicoletta Noceti [DL]


16:30-18:00 - Lab


Friday, June 14, 2024

Group project

09:30-11:00 - Group project

[both courses]

Group project

11:30-13:00 - Group project

[both courses]

Group project

14:30-16:00 - Group project

[both courses]


16:00-16:30 - Goodbye and keep in touch!

[both courses]

How to apply

Applications are open until midnight on the 1st of April; notifications of acceptance will be sent by the 8th of April. While filling in the application form, you will be asked to select if you are applying to CV, DL, or both courses.


Monday, April 1, 2024

Registration Fees

Upon acceptance of your application, you will be requested to pay a registration fee, depending on your role and affiliation.

Upon acceptance of your application, you will be requested to pay a registration fee, depending on your role and affiliation.

UniGe and IIT affiliateswaived
Non-UniGe students and postdocs€50
Non-UniGe professors€100


Only for information which is not available online, please refer to MaLGa’s Lab Manager.