UniGe ¦ MaLGa


MLCC is made possible by the SLING Project, funded by a Consolidator ERC Grant, by the contributions of the DIBRIS and DIMA Departments of UniGe. This PhD course is part of the ELLIS Genoa and MIT’s Center for Brains, Minds & Machines (CBMM) activities.

At a glance

The Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC) provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and algorithms of Machine Learning. The course is suitable for undergraduate/graduate students, as well as professionals. It is open to students from any University upon selection.
Attendance will be exclusively in person, and the course will not be streamed online.

Machine Learning is key to develop intelligent systems and analyze data in science and engineering. Machine Learning systems enable intelligent technologies such as Siri, Google self-driving car, or Chat-GPT to name a few. At the same time, Machine Learning methods help deciphering the information in our DNA and make sense of the flood of information gathered on the web, forming the basis of a new “Science of Data”. This course introduces the fundamental methods at the core of modern Machine Learning. It covers theoretical foundations as well as essential algorithms.

The university credits granted for attendance of the course and/or successful completion of the test are established by the Director of your specific course of study, depending on your university/course criteria.

For those who want to take the final test, it will consist in completing remotely the notebooks that the class will work on during the labs, and writing a report commenting on the numerical results obtained. Active attendance will be part of the evaluation.

The course is self contained but assumes basic knowledge in calculus and probability.


The school will be held in our beautiful Genova, in the DIBRIS/DIMA building in Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146, home of MaLGa Center.

The course will be held in the DIBRIS Department building of Via Dodecaneso 35, Genova. Indications to the classroom will be visible at the entrance. You will have access to vending machines during the breaks betweein classes. We suggest bringing your own laptop, but please keep into consideration that, due to the number of expected participants, your battery should be fully charged.

We will have a 1.5-hour lunch break every day: although there is a bar close to the department, you are encouraged to bring your own lunch and enjoy the break with your peers. There are common areas just out of the classroom where you will be able to sit and have lunch.

Speakers & instructors

Classes will be held by members of the SLING Project team and MaLGa Center faculty members from UniGe’s DIBRIS and DIMA Departments.


Classes on theoretical and algorithmic aspects will be complemented by practical lab sessions.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


09:30-11:00 - Class 1 - Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning

Lorenzo Rosasco


11:30-13:00 - Class 2 - Local Methods and Model Selection

Lorenzo Rosasco


14:30-16:30 - Lab 1 - Local Methods for Classification

Leisure activity

16:30-17:30 - Aperitif

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


09:30-11:00 - Class 3 - Empirical Risk Minimization with Linear Models

Silvia Villa


11:30-13:00 - Class 4 - Optimization and SGD

Silvia Villa


14:30-16:30 - Lab 2 - ERM with Linear Models

Thursday, June 27, 2024


09:30-11:00 - Class 5 - Kernel Methods

Simone Di Marino


11:30-13:00 - Class 6 - Neural Networks

Simone Di Marino


14:30-16:30 - Lab 3 - Kernel Methods and Neural Networks

Friday, June 28, 2024


09:00-10:00 - Class 7 - Sparsity and variable selection

Matteo Santacesaria


10:30-11:30 - Class 8 - Dimensionality Reduction and PCA

Matteo Santacesaria


12:00-13:30 - Lab 4 - Sparsity and PCA


15:00-16:00 - Pietro Perona, From Computer Vision to Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms, Data, Knowledge and Reasoning


16:00-17:00 - Refreshment

How to apply

Applications are open until midnight on the 1st of April; notifications of acceptance will be sent by the 8th of April.

Submit application

Monday, April 1, 2024

Registration Fees

Upon acceptance of your application, you will be requested to pay a registration fee, depending on your role and affiliation.

Upon acceptance of your application, you will be requested to pay a registration fee, depending on your role and affiliation.

UniGe and IIT affiliateswaived
Non-UniGe students and postdocs€50
Non-UniGe professors€100


Only for information which is not available online, please refer to MaLGa’s Lab Manager.