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MaLGa's LCSL joins forces with IIT's AMI

The two units will meet at DIBRIS to kick-off a new collaboration


I-Cub - [Veicolo a motore Progettazione automobilistica Motociclo]

On the 31st of January, the Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence (AMI) unit of the Italian Institute of Technology and MaLGa’s Laboratory for Computational and Statistical Learning (LSCL) of the University of Genoa will meet for a day of joint work at DIBRIS. The workshop aims at identifying areas of common interest, to make the most of the fundamental complementarity of the groups’ expertise and develop exciting new projects. The event will include presentations about fast kernel methods for efficient ML, optimization methods and their applications to human-robot interaction and physics informed ML, to continue with an open discussion aimed at identifying the most promising research lines for collaboration.

LCSL focuses on the development of efficient and reliable machine learning algorithms blending tools from statistics, optimization, and regularization theory. The group’s goal is to develop theoretically grounded and practical machine learning algorithms. In collaboration with other MaLGa units and external collaborators, LCSL works on foundational aspects of Machine Learning and a number of applications including computer vision, robotics and physics informed machine learning.

AMI aims at providing mankind with the next generation of humanoid robots, using iCub as a development platform. Their mission is to lead the development of iCub to make versatile humanoid robots with the ability to assist and collaborate with humans in hazardous and industrial environments. AMI collaborates with various realities such as INAIL, Camozzi, Danieli and Honda.