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MaLGa present at the 11th AIP conference with talks and a plenary lecture by G. Alberti!


Giovanni Alberti AIP - [Tavolo Computer Personal computer]

The 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference (Göttingen, Germany) featured Giovanni Alberti as a plenary speaker, and Alessandro Felisi, Cesare Molinari, Romain Petit and Matteo Santacesaria contributed with their talks.

Inverse Problems deal with the reconstruction of quantities of interest from indirect observations. They occur in medical imaging, non-destructive testing, geophysical exploration, astrophysical imaging, many high-resolution microscopy techniques, data mining, finance, econometrics, and other fields. The event brought together experts from various disciplines related to the broad field of Inverse Problems, including Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Machine Learning and Optimization, among the others.

Photo: Giovanni Alberti as Plenary Speaker (by Markus Osterhoff)