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ECCV2024 Workshop on Fairness and Model Debiasing


Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.37.22 - [Cielo Giorno Nuvola]

We are thrilled to announce the first edition of our workshop on Fairness and ethics towards transparent AI: facing the challenge through model Debiasing (FAILED), a satellite workshop event of ECCV2024, in Milan.

The FAILED workshop addresses the critical issue of bias in AI models, with a special focus on Computer Vision. It aims to convene experts and practitioners to explore strategies for rectifying biases and promoting fairness and transparency in AI systems. This workshop aligns with the increasing focus on ethics and accountability in AI, as evidenced by the impending European Union's AI Act. By fostering interdisciplinary discussions and sharing innovative solutions, the workshop seeks to advance the development of unbiasedand fairAI models.

Join us in this collaborative endeavor to shape a future where AI serves as a force for equity and inclusivity. Together, let's pave the way towards a more ethical and fair AI landscape!

Call for papers

we welcome the submissions of original and high-quality papers including (but not limited) to the following topics:

· Ethics in Computer Vision/AI;

· Methods for model debiasing;

· Interpretability and Explainability in Computer Vision;

· Fairness and transparent Computer Vision/AI;

· Debiasing or fairness methods in social sciences;

· Fairness and bias in generative models;

· Fairness and bias in multimodal (foundation) models;

· Trustworthy Computer Vision/AI;

· Fairness and trust in biomedical image analysis;

· Theoretical aspects of debiasing and fairness;

· Bias evaluation and performance on relevant domains of application;

· Pruning for model debiasing;

· Brave new ideas for learning with biased data and fairness.

Important dates

· Paper submission deadline : July, 8th 2024

· Decision to Authors: July, 31th 2024

· Camera ready papers due: August, 15th 2024

Workshop Date: 29/09/2024

Starting Time: 9 AM

Location: MiCo, Milan, Italy.

For more details visit our website at the link below.

Contact Information: For any queries or assistance, feel free to reach out to us at

The FAILED workshop is organized by Vito Paolo Pastore (MaLGa - Machine Learning Genoa Center, Università degli Studi di Genova), Enzo Tartaglione (Télécom Paris) and Vittorio Murino (Università degli Studi di Verona).