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Our June Summer Schools are about to start!


IMG_0095-min 2 - [Nuvola Cielo Edificio]

Our June Summer Schools are about to start!

From the 10th to the 14th of June, we'll host the third edition of the Deep Learning and Computer Vision School, taught by Prof. Francesca Odone and Prof. Nicoletta Noceti and funded by the RAISE Project. The school will cover basic principles of deep architectures, with a focus on visual data. At the same time, it will provide a complementary introduction to basic principles of computer vision and visual perception in artificial agents. The theoretical classes will be coupled with hands-on activities in Python using Keras and OpenCV libraries. On Thursday, participants will have a chance to attend a seminar by Prof. Fabio Roli, followed by a poster session and aperitif: an occasion for an informal discussion about your current and future research! The last day of the school will be focused on a project developed in groups, which will be the basis of the final evaluation.

From the 25th to the 28th of June, it will be MLCC's turn: the Machine Learning Crash Course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and algorithms of Machine Learning. This course introduces the fundamental methods at the core of modern Machine Learning, covering theoretical foundations as well as essential algorithms. Classes will be held by members of the SLING Project team and MaLGa Center faculty members from UniGe's DIBRIS and DIMA Departments: Profs Lorenzo Rosasco, Silvia Villa, Simone Di Marino and Matteo Santacesaria. Classes on theoretical and algorithmic aspects will be complemented by practical lab sessions in Python. On Wednesday, participants will have a chance to join an aperitif to exchange ideas and meet each other, and on Friday we will hold a seminar by Prof. Pietro Perona, followed by a goodbye toast in an informal setting, to encourage networking.

About 120 participants have been selected for each course: these will mainly be PhD students, but also postdocs, professionals and some brilliant master students. We are looking forward to welcome you and share what we do at MaLGa. See you very soon!