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From Computer Vision to Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms, Data, Knowledge and Reasoning

A MaLGa Lectio Magistralis by Professor Pietro Perona


Pietro.Perona - [Fronte Sorriso Occhio]

MaLGa Center is thrilled to invite you all to Prof. Pietro Perona's Lectio Magistralis titled "From Computer Vision to Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms, Data, Knowledge and Reasoning", and at the refreshment that will follow.


Professor Perona's research focuses on vision: how we see and how we can build machines that see. Professor Perona is interested in visual recognition, more specifically visual categorization. In collaboration with his students, he develops algorithms to enable machines to learn to recognize frogs, cars, faces and trees with minimal human supervision, and to enable machines to learn from human experts. His project `Visipedia' has produced two smart device apps (iNaturalist and Merlin Bird ID) that anyone can download to their smart device and use to recognize the species of plants and animals from a photograph. In collaboration with Professors Anderson and Dickinson, Professor Perona is building vision systems and statistical techniques for measuring actions and activities in fruit flies and mice. This enables geneticists and neuroethologists to investigate the relationship between genes, brains and behavior. He is also interested in studying how humans perform visual tasks, such as searching and recognizing image content. One of his recent projects studies how to harness the visual ability of thousands of people on the web to crowdsource the annotation of images. Professor Perona is committed to developing responsible artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. He works on developing experimental methods for assessing algorithmic accuracy and bias in face recognition and other applications of computer vision.


Friday June 28th, 15:00


Room 508, DIBRIS/DIMA Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146, Genova