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Discover MaLGa: Francesca Odone’s Talk on Machine Learning and Vision


Francesca.Odone.News - [Occhiali da vista Sorriso Occhiali]

We are excited to invite you to the second talk in a special series of presentations by MaLGa Principal Investigators, showcasing cutting-edge research across the center’s diverse units. Tomorrow, Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 5:00 PM, Professor Francesca Odone will deliver a talk titled "Visione computazionale e apprendimento da esempi" at the Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere, Sala Conferenze, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa.

Professor Odone will explore how visual perception plays a pivotal role in artificial intelligence systems. She will highlight the synergy between computer vision and machine learning—fields in which MaLGa boasts a rich history—and present robust data-driven methods that enable scene understanding, motion analysis, and activity recognition. Expect to see applications in robotics, human-machine interaction, and assisted living, showcasing the versatility and power of these approaches.

This talk is part of a public series and will be held in Italian. While seating is limited to 70 participants, you can also join via the YouTube livestream or watch the recording on the Accademia’s YouTube channel. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with groundbreaking research and learn how MaLGa is shaping the future of AI and machine learning.

Join us in person or online and be part of the conversation!