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From theory to practice: a multidisciplinary effort

MaLGa is primarily a center for fundamental research. A main feature of the research activity at MaLGa is the idea that a fruitful interplay between theoretical and applied questions is the key for long-lasting and impactful contributions. More broadly, this has always been the founding feature of ML studies at the University of Genoa. Our present and past research has always been equally split between foundational work in ML theory, and applied projects, working closely with partners such as hospitals or industries to develop vertical solutions.

Research projects

Most recent research projects


Most recent publications

Continuous wavelet frames on the sphere: The group-theoretic approach revisited9999Dahlke S.; De Mari F.; De Vito E.; Hansen M.; Hasannasab M.; Quellmalz M.; Steidl G.; Teschke G.APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS
Computer vision and deep learning meet plankton: Milestones and future directions2024Ciranni M.; Murino V.; Odone F.; Pastore V. P.IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING
Reconstitution of ORP-mediated lipid exchange coupled to PI4P metabolism2024Fuggetta Nicolas; Rigolli Nicola; Magdeleine Maud; Hamaï Amazigh; Seminara Agnese; Guillaume Drin AndPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Linear quadratic control of nonlinear systems with Koopman operator learning and the Nyström method2024Edoardo Caldarelli Antoine Chatalic Adrià Colomé Cesare Molinari Carlos Ocampo-Martinez Carme Torras Lorenzo RosascoArXiv Preprint
Assumption violations in causal discovery and the robustness of score matching2024Montagna Francesco; Mastakouri Atalanti A.; Eulig Elias; Noceti Nicoletta; Rosasco Lorenzo; Janzing Dominik; Aragam Bryon; Locatello FrancescoAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems