MaLGa logoMaLGa black extendedMaLGa white extendedUniGe ¦ MaLGaUniGe ¦ MaLGaUniversita di Genova | MaLGaUniversita di GenovaUniGe ¦ EcoSystemics


We investigate different nuances of visual perception in artificial intelligence systems, where computer vision and machine learning are combined to obtain robust data-driven methods addressing a variety of problems.

In this multidisciplinary world, we are interested in mathematically sound algorithms, computational models, and a wide range of applications.

In particular, we study and develop methods for scene understanding, motion analysis, and action recognition, with applications to assisted living, human-machine interaction, and robotics.


  • Nicoletta

  • Francesca

  • Vito Paolo

  • Matteo

  • Larbi

  • Jacopo

  • Yara

  • Khan

  • Manasa

  • Roberto
    Di Via

  • Massimiliano

  • Paolo Didier

  • Federico
    Figari Tomen…

  • Alexander

  • Matteo

  • Ani

  • Xiaolin

  • Gabriele

Past People

  • Federico Figari Tomenotti | 2020 → 2024 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Alessandro Piazza | 2024 | Student

  • Davide Marinelli | 2024 | Student

  • Clara Mouawad | 2023 | Student

  • Massimiliano Ciranni | 2023 | Research Scholar | Computer Vision

  • Elena Vincenzi | 2020 → 2023 | PhD student

  • Issa Mouawad | 2022 → 2023 | Research Scholar | Computer Vision

  • Simone Testa | 2023 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Elena Nicora | 2022 → 2023 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Matteo Moro | 2022 → 2023 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Luca Garello | 2022 → 2023 | PhD student | Vision and robotics

  • Massimiliano Ciranni | 2023 | Student

  • Simone Campisi | 2022 | Research Scholar

  • Matteo Ghirardelli | 2022 | Student

  • Issa Mouawad | 2022 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Marco Adorni | 2022 | Student

  • Elena Nicora | 2018 → 2022 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Matteo Moro | 2018 → 2022 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Elena Fenialdi | 2022 | Student

  • Tilani Gunawarden | 2022 | Post-doctoral fellow | Machine Learning for data science

  • Mina Sorial | 2021 | PhD student | Computer Vision and Robotics

  • Larbi Touijer | 2021 | Student | Computer vision and machine learning

  • Filip Hesse | 2021 | Student | Vision

  • Hassan Tanveer | 2019 → 2020 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Gaurvi Goyal | 2019 → 2020 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Aitacç Kanaci | 2019 → 2020 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Alexander Statsenko | 2020 | Student | Signal Analysis

  • Giorgio Cantarini | 2020 | Research Scholar | Computer Vision Applications

  • Gaurvi Goyal | 2020 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Giorgio Cantarini | 2020 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Vincenzo Petito | 2019 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Federico Salvi | 2019 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Issa Mouawad | 2019 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Sofia Bagnato | 2019 | Student | Computer vision and machine learning

  • Davide Casula | 2019 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Enrico Prampolini | 2019 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Vincenzo D'Amato | 2019 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Nicolò Pinna | 2019 | Student | Applied Machine Learning

  • Ruggero Ragonesi | 2018 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Elena Nicora | 2018 | Student | Computer Vision

  • Alessia Vignolo | 2018 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Damiano Malafronte | 2014 → 2017 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Federico Minutoli | 2016 | Student | Computer vision

  • Miguel Alejandro Duval Poo | 2016 | PhD student | Image Processing

  • Joan Sosa Garcia | 2015 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Alessandra Staglianò | 2014 | PhD student | Machine learning

  • Sean Ryan Fanello | 2013 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Luca Zini | 2013 | PhD student | Computer Vision |

  • Giovanni Fusco | 2013 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Joan Sosa Garcia | 2008 → 2010 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision |

  • Paolo Albini | 2007 → 2010 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Augusto Destrero | 2006 → 2009 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Elisabetta Delponte | 2006 → 2009 | Post-doctoral fellow | Computer Vision

  • Miguel Alejandro Duval Poo | 2006 → 2009 | Post-doctoral fellow | Image Processing

  • Augusto Destrero | 2008 | PhD student | Computer Vision

  • Elisabetta Delponte | 2007 | PhD student | Computer Vision

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Research projects

Most recent MLV research projects


    Undroid (Underwater Droid)

    Unit MLV
    Leading scientist Francesca Odone
    Role within the project Principal Investigator
    Duration 2021 - 2023
    Sponsors POR FESR Liguria (BK)
    Total funding 70 k€

    Cognitively-inspired architectures for human motion understanding

    Unit MLV
    Leading scientist Nicoletta Noceti
    Role within the project Principal Investigator
    Duration 2020 - 2023
    Sponsors AFOSR
    Total funding 163 k€

    More Than This

    Unit MLV
    Leading scientist Francesca Odone
    Role within the project Principal Investigator
    Duration 2021 - 2023
    Sponsors POR FESR Liguria (AK)
    Total funding 36 k€


    Unit MLV
    Leading scientist Francesca Odone
    Role within the project Principal Investigator
    Duration 2021 - 2023
    Sponsors POR FESR Liguria (Aitek)
    Total funding 40 k€


Most recent MLV publications

Anomaly detection in feature space for detecting changes in phytoplankton populations2024Ciranni M.; Odone F.; Pastore V. P.FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE
Head pose estimation with uncertainty and an application to dyadic interaction detection2024Figari Tomenotti Federico; Noceti Nicoletta; Odone FrancescaCOMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING
Computer vision and deep learning meet plankton: Milestones and future directions2024Ciranni M.; Murino V.; Odone F.; Pastore V. P.IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING
Top-tuning: A study on transfer learning for an efficient alternative to fine tuning for image classification with fast kernel methods2024Alfano P. D.; Pastore V. P.; Rosasco L.; Odone F.IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING
In-domain versus out-of-domain transfer learning in plankton image classification2023Maracani A.; Pastore V. P.; Natale L.; Rosasco L.; Odone F.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS