Elisabetta CornacchiaINRIA Paris, Argo project-teamInsights into the Role of the Initialisation and Curriculum through Parity Targets02/12/2024
Fosca GiannottiScuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Pisa, ItalyMaLGa Colloquia - Towards a synergistic human-machine interaction and collaboration: XAI and Hybrid Decision Making Systems. State-of-the-art and research questions.25/11/2024
Leonardo GalliLMU MunichDon’t be so Monotone: Relaxing Stochastic Line Search in Over-Parameterized Models15/11/2024
Fabio RoliUniversity of GenoaFrom known knowns to unknown unknowns in AI: Historical and Technical Issues12/06/2024
Yoav FreundUniversity of California San Diego (UCSD)MaLGa Colloquia - Some non-parametric Results31/05/2024
Nicola Rares FrancoPolitecnico di Milano, MOX laboratoryUnveiling convolutional neural networks in surrogate modeling (and more!)11/04/2024
Richard NicklUniversity of CambridgeStatistical and computational guarantees for gradient based MCMC in some PDE inverse problems25/03/2024
Dario TrevisanUnversity of PisaGaussian Approximation and Bayesian Posterior Distribution in Random Deep Neural Networks14/03/2024
Gianluca GiacchiUniversity of Bologna - University of LausanneTime-frequency analysis and discrete representation of functions and distributions11/03/2024
Rebecca WillettUniversity of ChicagoThe role of depth in neural networks: function space geometry and learnability04/03/2024
Francesca BartolucciDelft Institute of Applied Mathematics (TU Delft)Representation Equivalent Neural Operators: a Framework for Alias-free Operator Learning19/02/2024
Fanghui LiuUniversity of WarwickOver-parameterization in (two-layer) neural networks: double descent, function spaces, curse of dimensionality15/02/2024
Juan PeypouquetUniversity of GroningenAccelerated optimization algorithms: the good, the bad and the odd08/02/2024
Luca BiggioEPFL - Ecole polytechnique fédérale de LausanneAI4Science: Opportunities and Challenges06/02/2024
Lucia MigliorelliUniversità Politecnica delle MarcheTowards trustworthy digital patient monitoring: deep learning approaches for analyzing multimedia data from the actual clinical practice15/01/2024
Max WellingUniversity of AmsterdamPhysics Priors for Machine Learning and Machine Learning to Solve Physics23/10/2023
Mathurin MassiasINRIA Lyon, Ockham TeamML for neuroscience and reproducibility for ML: from bilevel optimization to benchopt19/07/2023
Andre WibisonoYale UniversitySampling with Langevin Algorithms in Continuous and Discrete Times26/06/2023
Jennifer FungUniversity of California San Francisco, CaliforniaReproduction in a Toxic World23/06/2023
Gitta KutyniokLudwig-Maximilians Universität MünchenMaLGa Colloquia - The World of Graph Neural Networks: From the Mystery of Generalization to Foundational Limitations05/06/2023
Alfio QuarteroniPolitecnico di MilanoMaLGa Lecture - La matematica fra modelli fisici e intelligenza artificiale26/05/2023
Alexander (Sasha) RakhlinMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMaLGa Colloquia - The Statistical Complexity of Interactive Decision Making22/05/2023
Pierre-Cyril Aubin-FrankowskiINRIA Paris (Sierra)Revisiting optimization: gradient descent with a general cost12/05/2023
Benjamin RechtUniversity of California, BerkeleyMaLGa Colloquia - Cancer Screening: A Parable of Prediction09/05/2023
Andrea AgazziUniversità di PisaConvergence and optimality of wide RNNs in the mean-field regime03/05/2023
Nelly PustelnikCNRS, ENS de LyonMaLGa Colloquia - Fast unrolled proximal algorithms to design stable and efficient neural network architectures17/04/2023
Sayan MukherjeeMPI LeipzigMaLGa Colloquia - Modeling shapes and surfaces: geometry meets machine learning03/04/2023
Lamberto BallanUniversity of PadovaMaLGa Colloquia - Context-aware motion prediction and embodied social navigation20/03/2023
Rodrigue LelotteUniversité Paris-DauphineA numerical scheme to solve the multimarginal optimal transport with Coulomb cost09/03/2023
Minh Ha QuangRIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP)Regularized information geometric and optimal transport distances for Gaussian processes03/03/2023
Andrea ApicellaUniversità di Napoli Federico IIPossible directions to deal with EEG data with machine learning19/12/2022
Elena BerettaNew York University Abu DhabiMortality containment vs. economics opening: optimal policies in a SEIARD model18/07/2022
Emanuele NaldiTU BraunschweigGraph and distributed extensions of the Douglas- Rachford method14/06/2022
Matteo BianchiCentro E. Piaggio, Università di PisaModel-based and data-driven approaches for modelling human sensory-motor system:06/06/2022
Johannes MalyCatholic University of Eichstaett-IngolstadtThe implicit bias of gradient descent and its applications30/05/2022
Johannes HertrichTU BerlinStochastic Normalizing Flows for Inverse Problems: a Markov Chains Viewpoint09/05/2022
Patrizio FrosiniUniversità di BolognaResults on the use of group equivariant non-expansive operators11/04/2022
Stefano FavaroUniversità di Torino - Collegio Carlo AlbertoLearning-augmented count-min sketches via Bayesian nonparametrics21/03/2022
Andrea ManzoniPolitecnico di MilanoDeep learning based reduced order models for numerical approximation of PDEs24/01/2022