MaLGa Colloquia: Science of Intelligence, a personal perspective
MaLGa Colloquia: Science of Intelligence, a personal perspective
Tomaso Poggio - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I will describe the past, present and bits of the future of AI from a personal perspective from work on the mind of the fly in the 70’s to the first algorithms for generative graphics, gene presdiction and autonomous driving in the 90’s to current in a theory of deep learning.
Tomaso A. Poggio is the Eugene McDermott Professor in MIT's Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the director of the NSF Center for Brains, Minds and Machines at MIT. He is a founding member of the McGovern Institute and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Former Corporate Fellow of Thinking Machines Corporation, former director of PHZ Capital Partners, Inc. and Mobileye, he has been involved in starting or investing in several other high tech companies including Arris Pharmaceutical, nFX, Imagen, Digital Persona, Deep Mind and Orcam. He is one of the most cited computational scientists and has mentored PhD and postdoc students who are some of the current leaders in intelligence science and engineering.
Monday, March 10th at 15:00
Room 508, UniGe DIBRIS/DIMA, Via Dodecaneso 35